When working with low income students, we at The Voom Room have come to see the great benefits of social training and etiquette for children. Seeking to share with youth the aspects of social graces reveals to them that they are valued and not categorized as "less than." Giving children an opportunity to learn and gain social skills is truly a gift that last a lifetime, a wonderful investment in their future.

Dining...an example of what our students learn and practice. Curriculum also includes respecfulness, boundaries, social media & social skills.

Children often don't have the opportunity to learn the fundamental importance of appropriate manners, social skills and dignified conduct.

The Value Of Our Manners and Review Of Our Manners


Children from lower socio-economic environments are quite often at a disadvantage. They do not have the funds to pay for classes that are not part of a school curriculum and often do not live in courteous or disciplined environments.

Classes provide in depth training that has a lasting impact on students. Preparation for success depends on being provided the tools necessary to help develop confidence.

·  Year-long, weekly classes during the school year                                                                                                              ·  Weekly summer camps                                                                                                                                                         ·  As requested for programs such as Girls/Boys Scouts, Brigid's Hope, DePelchin & Low Income Housing